Yoga Meditation Concept, Woman Silhouette Meditating In Healthy


Yoga Meditation Concept, Woman Silhouette Meditating In Healthy

Some of us reach a point in our lives when we feel stagnant and unable to move forward. Every now and then, we need to free our minds to make space for opportunities for growth.  Out with the old and in with the new!  

This year I found myself with a strong desire for change.  I had so many ideas that I wanted to put in motion, but it was so difficult to get started.  I sat for weeks trying to organize my thoughts and get things going but I kept hitting a mental block.

The stress of my never ending to-do list weighed heavily on my mind.  

Then it occurred to me, “How can I ever get anything done when I have so much going on inside my head and so many unfinished tasks?”  

I finally had an aha! moment.

It became apparent that I was the only thing standing in the way of my success.

If I accomplished some of my goals, then I’d be in the position to free my mental space, create change and seize new opportunities.  When I woke up the next morning, I created a plan which became my 5 steps to mental freedom:

Clean Home Clear Mind

I don’t know about you, but when I have chores to complete around the house, I feel overwhelmed, and the pressing tasks crowd my thoughts.

My schedule doesn’t allow for much time to complete everything, so I focus a lot of my free time to cleaning and worst of all, there was never an end to it.  

I realized that if I set aside a weekend devoted to reorganization, maintenance afterward becomes easy as pie, thus freeing up some mental space.  

Compartmentalize and Prioritize

It is not uncommon for me to have simple things on my mental and physical to-do list.  I mean basic things like:

  • Put winter shoes in the basement
  • Water the plants
  • Change pictures on the office wall

At one point, I had lists that comprised of thirty basic tasks! Something had to change.  Don’t get me wrong, lists are a great tool to help you accomplish goals, but when your lists turn into lists, it might be time to compartmentalize then prioritize.  

I had to reprogram myself to stop procrastinating because looking at a never-ending to-do list became overwhelming.  The reality was that these small obligations developed into projects.  

Once I compartmentalized and prioritized, everything started to feel less daunting. For me, working on three separate projects made it easier for my brain to process rather than tackling one huge list.  As I checked off more and more, I actually felt my mind getting decluttered. It was so freeing!

Spend More Time Doing Things You Love

Some dreaded chores are unavoidable, such as laundry, dishes, and reorganization.  If you let them take top priority in your life, they can consume all of your “free” time.  

If you make the time to do all of the things you dread, then you should equally do more of the things you love.  

This philosophy is one simple way to live a full life and have positive things to look forward to instead of being miserable because all you think about and do are the things you hate.  

As the saying goes, “If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.”  It really is that simple.  

Dedicate a Minimum of 1 Hour per Week to Wellness

According to, Wellness is the quality or state of being healthy in body and mind, especially as the result of deliberate effort.”

Your health and wellness should be just as important to you as going to work every day.  Let’s face it, if you’re not doing well physically or mentally, completing the tasks that you have to do and want to do become much more challenging.  

Some of my favourite wellness activities include:

  • Massage Therapy
  • Facials
  • Yoga
  • Exercise
  • Meditation

There are so many other activities that fall under the wellness umbrella. Take a moment to see what activities are available in your community and incorporate wellness into your weekly or even daily routine.

Seek Therapy If You Need It

Use your support system to vent about some of your struggles it might help to talk to a friend about your challenges.  

If you don’t have a strong support system, consider therapy as an option.  Tons of professionals are available to listen to your problems. They can offer tools and tricks to help you get out of your rut and move forward in a positive way.

Wrapping It Up

The common theme found in all five points reinforces the idea that mental freedom has to start with you. Freeing your mind is like a blank canvas to an artist, the sky’s the limit.  

It gives you the opportunity to explore things that you may have never dreamed of when your mind was full. Until you’re ready to focus time and energy on yourself, you will always stand in the way of your success.  As I always say:

Preparing for tomorrow means loving and nurturing yourself today.”

Set your mind free today and watch the endless possibilities unfold tomorrow!

What steps have you taken to achieve mental freedom?  Share your stories below