older woman with adult daughter and granddaughter


older woman with adult daughter and granddaughterI can always point out the overwhelmed first-time moms in the room.  

They’re the ones with their hair undid, no makeup, jogging suit, bags under the eyes, crying baby/babies and a look of complete despair.

Even if I can’t spot you in the room, somewhere along your journey of trying to be the best mother possible, you forgot about you.  But, today is Mother’s Day, and I’m here to gift you with some words of wisdom to help you find you; the beautiful, energetic woman hiding underneath the rubble.  

Here’s the secret that everyone failed to tell you, that overwhelmed feeling is just an indicator that you are transitioning into a new chapter in the book of motherhood.

The reality is that being a mom is and always will be the priority.

Everything takes a backseat to fulfilling your parental duties, and that is okay.

It’s kind of like when we get a new job. We are excited about our new role, even though it’s a bit intimidating. We aren’t very sure if we know what we’re doing, but we give it our best shot and eventually it gets easier. With time and effort, we figure out how to multitask other duties throughout our days and lives.

Each phase in motherhood is no different. In the beginning, everything feels chaotic because a new addition to the family changes everything.  Eventually, your daily routine will become more familiar as you learn to incorporate other activities into your schedule.  If you don’t get around to including old interests into your life, then it’s possible that they weren’t that important.

Here are a few more tips to help you thrive during your journey of motherhood:

1.  Don’t feel guilty about making time for yourself.  You decide how long, how often and what time for yourself really means.  It could be going for a massage, coffee break with a friend, date night with hubby, going for a walk or even just quiet time reading a book.

2.  Acknowledge that you can’t have the freedoms you once had, but see where you can incorporate old habits into your new life.

3.  Don’t give into the Superwoman persona. Be the best that you can be, but don’t be too hard on yourself on some of the things you haven’t mastered yet.  It will all come with time.

4.  Connect with other moms and share your experiences.  You’ll be surprised to find out that you are not alone in your struggles and triumphs, so cry and celebrate together!

5.  When all else fails, consider seeking therapy.  Not because you are losing yourself, but just to learn new coping strategies that will help you deal with the stress of each stage.

So, in summary, we only get one shot at parenting, but the great thing is that it is ever-changing and it lasts a lifetime. So, continue to pour love all over motherhood and keep treating it like the priority it is, but don’t forget about you.

frame of tulips with words happy mother's day, you deserve every ounce of pampering