Happy child holding belly of pregnant woman. Family having fun outdoors in spring park. Mothers day concept

Flowers, chocolate, teddy bears, candy, purses, and gift cards are some of the typical gifts that mothers receive every year.

As a mom, I appreciate all of these things, but this Mother’s Day, I want something less predictable.

I would like a gift that can last a lifetime or better yet, something that will help me last a lifetime, not literally, but you know what I mean.

This year I want something that contributes to my wellness.

Being the matriarch of the family is tough and exhausting!

At times I feel overwhelmed with the responsibility of keeping my home in order and taking care of everyone else.  I rarely take the time to do things for myself to keep me going.

While Mother’s Day is only one day out of the year, you could introduce your mom to a lifestyle change.  Before you run out and buy her a cliched gift without much thought, why not consider something new?

If she has expressed interest in an activity, your mother’s day gift this year could be giving her the time to take part in her favourite wellness activity (obviously this would be at your expense).

You could also consider giving her a wellness related gift card with a simple note thanking her for being a mother to you with some encouraging words to make wellness a priority in her life.

According to dictionary.com, wellness is the quality or state of being healthy in body and mind, especially as the result of deliberate effort.  If you think about it, wellness could entail anything from getting a massage, exercising or taking a vacation and enjoying some quiet time to relax off the clock.

If she’s being a great mom and is healthy in body and mind; how much better would she feel about herself physically and mentally?

She would probably feel like a real-life Superwoman because a happy and healthy mom means life is calm and who wouldn’t want that?

This Mother’s Day, pamper your mom. Let her focus on her needs and strive for a wellness centered life.

Have you ever gifted a mom with the gift of wellness?  Share your stories below.



  1. Angla Finkenbiner Avatar
    Angla Finkenbiner

    This is great post. Thank you for sharing.