Timekah Roberts Registered Massage Therapy and Self-Care Coach

Welcome To Avoshea’s World


My name is Timekah, and I’m the founder of Avoshea Therapy & Wellness Clinic (ATWC). As an advocate for self-care, I felt the need to start “Avoshea’s World, a blog dedicated to wellness. Avoshea’s World takes you on a self-care journey that covers self-care tips and tricks, winning strategies as well as burnout success stories.  

As a healthcare provider, I often find myself having conversations with my clients about the struggle to find work-life balance. 

As a working mother and wife, I connect with these conversations because I’ve also experienced struggles that have led me down a destructive path of burnout.

It is my mission to educate, empower and encourage others to make self-care a priority.

When I first started ATWC, my main goals were to work hard, grow my business and build my client base. As time went on, I naturally took on more responsibilities. I worked around the clock to meet the demands of my growing business.

I started to struggle with balancing the needs of my business and my family. The stress of my obligations began to take a toll on my physical and mental health. While I preached wellness to my clients, I certainly wasn’t practicing it. There was no end to my chaos, so inevitably, I experienced burnout.  

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Feelings of overwhelm began to prevent me from getting anything done. I lacked confidence in my abilities as a business owner and as a health care practitioner. 

My path to burnout led to health problems such as depression, physical pain, high blood pressure, anemia and weight gain. Through it all, I was still going to work. I tried to do my best, but it was a daily inner struggle that I dealt with in silence. 

I was a wreck and hit rock bottom when I started to feel like I wasn’t being the best mom and life partner that I could be.  I felt unworthy of what God had blessed me with. 

” I felt unworthy of what God had blessed me with. “

It became crystal clear that I needed a change. 

I began to explore options to help me process what I was feeling and adopted a lifestyle of intention that allowed me to dedicate more time to myself. Here’s what I came up with:

  • Journaling to get my thoughts out of my head
  • Reading and listening to motivating podcasts in my downtime to help fill me up with positivity  
  • Morning gratitude practice and nightly self-reflection 
  • Daily meditation to practice mindfulness 
  • Massage Therapy once a month to help reduce physical tension 
  • Yoga once a week to keep my body moving
  • Visits to my therapist once a month to acquire new tools to cope with life 
  • Showing up for annual physical appointments with my family physician and not brushing off things that felt off with my health

These changes became my self-care plan. I committed to it and started nurturing myself from the inside and out. Within months, my energy levels were back up, and I felt healthy and relaxed.  

I had a new sense of motivation to keep going. 

I began to apply the Avoshea philosophy, “Preparing for tomorrow means loving and nurturing yourself today.” To date, it has been the most rewarding and transformational experience ever! 

If you prioritize wellness by making time for self-care, all of your other tasks and responsibilities will fall into place and revolve around you. 


My goal with Avoshea’s World is to be the catalyst for change that you are looking for because you are overdue for a transformation. 

Let’s make self-care a priority together!


Timekah Roberts

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