What is self-care?

What Do All Top Performers Have In Common?

Do you ever wonder what successful people do in their 24 hours to ensure they keep winning at life? 

How do they have the energy to consistently master their craft and create such a significant impact on the world? What’s their secret? 

I reviewed the daily routines of several top performers such as Oprah, Will Smith, Beyonce, and Kobe Bryant, and the one thing that jumped out at me was that they all followed a daily routine that included many acts of self-care throughout the day.  

Could something as simple as self-care be the real secret to top performance? 

While most of us are not living celebrity lives on celebrity budgets, this is one best-kept secret we can all apply to our own lives. 

In this post, we will discuss why self-care is a crucial component of being a top performer in life.

So, what’s self-care anyway?

Self-care is the act of deliberately indulging in practices that promote optimal spiritual, mental and or physical health and wellness. Now, I know that might sound a bit complex, so, here are a few examples to clarify:

  • Massage Therapy
  • Movement Therapy
  • Meditation
  • Exercise
  • Yoga
  • Jogging
  • Walking
  • Quiet time
  • Alone Time
  • Contemplative Time
  • Reading
  • Writing/journaling
  • Time with friends and family
  • Counselling and therapy

Sounds great, right? Let’s dig a little deeper to discover why this is an area you should prioritize. 

Reason #1: Self-care is the best solution for stress management

According to an online poll by the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, people reported that participating in activities such as regular exercise, talking to friends or family, sleeping and listening to music helped them cope with stress. 

Stress is an inevitable part of our daily lives. However, if left unchecked, chronic stress can lead to several serious health issues such as cardiovascular disease and mental health illness.  

Going through physical or mental stress can be debilitating. It’s essential to find self-care activities that help you to recharge and find balance. Taking part in movement-based activities such as exercise, jogging or walking are great options for stress relief.

Reason #2: Self-Care balances out your work life

As a mother of three, life partner, business owner and health care provider, I give a lot of my time and attention away. While it gives me joy to help other people, especially those that I care for deeply, it can leave me feeling depleted at times. Similarly, many people work at least 40 hours per week doing things that they have to do rather than what they want to do making work a difficult task to get through day after day.  

Carving out a reasonable amount of time for yourself is a great way to make fulfilling your obligations easier and to balance out work and life. It’s simple enough for everyone to do and the people around you will undoubtedly thank you for it. For me, this is how I replenish my spiritual, mental and physical energy so I can continue to be of service to those around me. 

Reason #3: Self-care promotes personal growth 

Practicing daily self-care is analogous to watering a flower. Just like how a flower blossoms when you water it, the more you nurture yourself, the more you will grow.  

Incorporating self-care could be the pivot you need to reset your mindset and live the life you deserve. Imagine how excited you would be if you could wake up every morning and look forward to all of the things you were going to do that day for YOU!  

Whether you journal, sit and contemplate your goals, seek counselling/coaching or set intentions for your life, all of these options help to fuel your growth! 

Reason #4: Self-care feels amazing!

Let’s face it, most jobs require us to complete the same task for several hours at a time every day, talking on the phone, sitting at a desk, typing on the computer, lifting heavy equipment or carrying a baby all day. 

Repetitive strain is inevitable in these environments, but thankfully it’s not a life sentence. Regardless if you choose to rely on Registered Massage Therapy, Yoga, or stretching at home, you must be proactive in reducing muscle tension, which will, in turn, leave you feeling amazing.  

Wrapping It Up

If your goals are top performance or to feel good about yourself, self-care is the only place to start your transformation and make your life about YOU! Check out the 3 M’s Of Wellness for some great starter options and begin your wellness journey today!

What do you do to unwind? Share some of your self-care activities in the comments below.